RMA Request

Contact Details:

Note:- OTP will be sent to your Mobile Number & Email Address

Customer must select PIN-Code from the dropdown list of serviceable pin-codes for Device repair service.
ग्राहक को डिवाइस की मरम्मत सेवा के लिए सेवा योग्य पिन-कोड की ड्रॉपडाउन सूची से पिन-कोड का चयन करना होगा।

(Pin-Codes not available under dropdown list is currently not serviceable, please use your alternate address to avail repair service.)
(पिन-कोड जो ड्रॉपडाउन सूची के तहत उपलब्ध नहीं हैं वे वर्तमान में सेवा योग्य नहीं हैं। मरम्मत सेवा का लाभ उठाने के लिए कृपया अपने वैकल्पिक पते का उपयोग करें।)

Device Details:

Note:- kindly select the option for RMA.

Note:- Warranty mentioned is based on serial number entered in the RMA form. If received device serial number is different and not as per mentioned in RMA form, applicable warranty will be as per received device serial number retrieve during repairing/inspection stage.

Product Serial No Problem Type Problem Description Action

Error Device Details:

Product Serial No Problem Type Problem Description Error
